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Join Us 2017-11-18T13:49:41+05:30



INDIA BIRDS is a child of necessity . It is not a simple Tours and Travels Agency.
INDIA BIRDS is a concept of today’s MUSKILASAN . We are very hope full to see
this concept in the hearts of all benevolent people who dreams to make other happy.
Day by day company will remove the curtains of new innovative solutions for a big
number of people, just by friendship and co-operations. We invite trustworthy people
from every part of our society with any type of interest in our work and concept .
Please spread your hands, we can create a human chain around the earth to serve the
We are cordial to have some friends with symbiotic relation in common life , trade
and business .We can supplement each other to prosper in common life or business.
At present M/s. INDIA BIRDS is concerned with Tours and Travels as well as
Event Management , so needs regular supply of raw materials like Faithful
Executives, Cars , Buses, Train & Air Tickets, Rooms for stay in Hotels or Guest
Houses, Resorts , Photographers, Beauticians, Flower-Decorators, Interior Decorators
, Caterer and many other. Now, we are waiting very eagerly for such Royal friends -.



You Can Join Us As A

1) Royal Member

2) Franchaisee Member

3) Executive Member

4) IB Member

5) Traveller Member

6) Marketing Executive 


Process of Registration as follows :

i) Fill up the Joining Form.
ii) Deposit Rs.100.00/- in favor of INDIA BIRDS , at United Bank of India ,
Unique Park Branch, A/c. No. 1061050009768, I F S C – UTBI0UPKD40
iii) Submit one self attested xerox copy of Voter ID Card & Adhar Card,
iv) Submit one self attested xerox copy of PAN Card,
v) Submit two self attested Passport size Photographs .




Joining Form

Applicant's Details


Curriculum Activities And Perticulars ( If Any )

    Extra Curriculum Activities

    am interested to join with activities of the M/s. INDIA BIRDS as one And happy to swear that all the above said information's are true to the best of my knowledge. I must update my Mobile no, Mailing Address, Email address immediately, if anything changed. Always I will keep my Mobile Phone switched on , receive all calls and attend all meetings related to the company. I will abide by all the Rules and Regulations of M/s. INDIA BIRDS. I have added self attested xerox copies of my voter iddentity card , aadhar card, pan card, 3 copies of my passport size photographs with this aplication and I have paid Rs. 100/- for activation of my membership. Thank You.